The following list of services may prove helpful to you. We do not endorse the following companies, but from our experience they have a good reputation.
Comcast Cable
Service: Cable TV (800) 945-2288
Service: Long Distance (800) 222-0300
Service: Phone Local (800) 310-2355
Service: Long Distance (800) 877-4646
PG&E Burlingame
Service: Electricity/Gas (800) 743-5000
Burlingame Water Office
Service: Water (650) 558-7210
Allied Waste
Service: Garbage (650) 592-2411
Burlingame Police Dept
Service: Police (650) 777-4100
Foster City Police
Service: Police (650)-286-3300
Hillsborough Town Police Dept
Service: Police (650) 375-7470
Millbrae Police
Service: Police (650) 259-2300
San Carlos Police
Service: Police (650) 802-4277
San Mateo Police
Service: Police (650) 522-7700
Burlingame Fire Dept
Service: Fire (650) 558-7600
Foster City Fire
Service: Fire (650) 286-3350
Hillsborough Town Fire Dept
Service: Fire (650) 558-7600
Millbrae Fire
Service: Fire (650) 259-2400
San Carlos Fire
Service: Fire (650) 802-4255
San Mateo Fire
Service: Fire (650) 522-7900